Friday 8 April 2011

type of friends :p

in this world,,, how much type of friend there is? so many!!!!!! and sometimes it can be really weird... and BORING too.... we can't deny that we are going to meet some of the " weird type" ... even how much you tried to avoid them... but sometimes you don't realise when you are too busy avoiding you are the "weird type" and yourself are one thing that you can avoid.... so here i stand to tell you some "weird type" that i've ever met before...
THE FAKE ONE-this one is one of the most dangerous friends... you got to be careful because this one acts like sincerely only you but maybe she can be work for somebody else... to gain your secrets perhaps?or to take you popularity?
THE-NEVER-FIGHT- you may be happy with this kind of girls because she listen to your word every second and never have a fight with you... she may have a revenge for you and one day she'll leave you alone and mad like volcano so friends always fight but true friends tried to forgive each other so, you got me now?
THE MOUTHTELLER- as you all know this kind of person really a place for no secrets because they can promised you anything but behind you....and when you realises...tomorow you'll already be the center of the news...
THE COPY PERSON- it's not a sin to copy some of other people things but,,, don't let her copy everything! if you have a friend like these you've got to be careful if you are being liked, because she might follow your identity and being liked as a new you, she might throw you away....
THE SILENT- ahah! this kind of girl really look simple but dangerous you can tell her many secrets or you can make her mad, but she'll remain silent and do as you say... perhaps she have some revenge to put on you one day.... when her times come....
THE FORGET PERSON- this kind of people is not the one that always forget... but it is much more always leaving you behind... example: if there is a new girl want to be friends with her she will be with that girl like so close! and leave you behind like she don't know you or what? until you reminded her that you is her bestfriend...and when she says "you don't need to tell me who i've got to be friend or not! i have my own right!" you have to leave her  right there! and find other true friends

and one notes that you really should take: not all of them are like these "weird type" people.... even if they have one of these characters... you just need to remind her until you feel like tired reminding...and if she refused to take your advice then, maybe they are one of these people that you're gonna leave... :)

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